Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wikis for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Construction

8 Week Lesson Plan

(1) Title: “Students are dropping out left and right!” - Addressing the first to second year retention rate at an eastern post-secondary institution via a wiki collaborative project.

(2) Task: Online students in an asynchronous graduate education degree program will conduct problem-based research via a wiki platform for a simulated educational concern: Student Retention from 1st to 2nd year.

(3) Objectives: To simulate a real world educational concern and promote group problem-based learning among adult graduate students.

By the end of this 8 week lesson plan, students will know how to do the following:
  • Create, design and develop a wiki via editing and formatting the wiki canvas as well as inserting graphics.
  • Identify, research, and analyze 3 student retention models.
  • Compare pro/cons, cost, and implementation requirements for each retention model.
  • Compose and submit a review/recommendation report for 1 select retention model to be implemented as the university's retention strategdy.

(4) Target audience: Course instructor and fellow online classmates.
(5) Time Length: 8 week project

(6) Materials needed (handouts, worksheets, etc.): 

  •  Hardware: Computer, iPad, or tablet
  •  Accessibility: Internet access
  • Web 2.0 tools: Skype account; wikispaces account (student-student interaction)
  • Alternate Communication: email (student-student interaction)
  • Scenario: Instructions to students

(7) Instruction procedure:

·                    Problem Statement

  • The Chancellor at a research 1, east coast, postsecondary university is very concern about the undergraduate retention rate at the university. Specifically, recently received retention data shows the freshman to sophomore year attrition rate as 62%.  In other words, more than one-half of the 1st year students are not returning to the school after their 1st year. 

·             Theoretical Framework: Academic and social integration (See reference section below)

  • Using Vincent Tinto’s academic and social integration student retention model as a starting point, students will research, analyze, and discuss 3 other student retention models in relation to the Chancellor's concern. A comparative analysis will done on all four models.

(8) Suggested learning activities/practices:

*    Wiki: Create a wiki account via
*    Student Retention Project: The wiki platform should be used to record the research, analysis, and discussion process associated with this problem-based project.
*    Matrix Chart: Completion of a comparison matrix for the four student retention models: Tinto, model 1 + Author(s), model 2 + Author(s), model 3  + Author(s), model 4 which lists the models tenets, pro elements, con elements, implementation needs, and costs.

    Student Retention (SR) Model Matrix
    Implementation Requirements
    Vincent Tinto

    Academic and social integration
    Student centered
    Labor intensive for university faculty & staff
    Minimal due to using preexisting university resources
    Institutional support

    Stakeholders buy in




      Collaborative written report: A recommendation report must be constructed to give to the Chancellor which highlights the specific student retention model that should be adopted to improve the student retention rate and promote degree attainment.

(9) Evaluation (rubric, grading criteria, etc.):

  • A scoring rubric will be used to evaluate the completed project. 
  • Each student in the class and the instructor will score the group's collaborative project. 
  • The scoring will center on the submitted end products:
  1. Matrix table: Inclusion of all requested information - Tinto, model 1 + Author(s), model 2+  Author(s), model 3  + Author(s), model 4 which lists the models tenets, pro elements, con elements, implementation needs, and costs.
  2. Collaborative written report: Contribution and participation of all team members.
  3. Wiki: Clarity and visual appeal.


Advising Hub. (2012, April 6). Vincent Tinto: Student success – resources for student success discussions in preparation for campus visit. Retrieved from

St. John’s University. (2013). Tinto’s theory of freshman development. Retrieved from

Tinto, V. (n.d.). Taking student retention seriously. [white paper]. Retrieved from

Tinto, V., & Pusser, B. (2006, June). Moving from theory to action: Building a model of institutional action for student success. National Post-secondary Education Cooperative, 1-51. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Fellow team-mates:

    So my plan is posted and I am still working on it. I have looked at all of your plans and I am just impressed by the detailed and elegance of your work. Since I work at the higher education level, I do not see many faculty members at my institution spending time creating lesson plans. Instead, many spent time creating Power Point lectures for uploading into BlackBoard, the LMS at Syracuse University.

    Since this course has started, I find this to be the hardest assignment that we have had to do. Am I the alone in my feelings and thoughts. Is anyone else sharing my pain? Frankly, I would have preferred for Dr. K to have posted a Power Point presentation and/or YouTube video along with the 3 hyperlinks to lesson plans. By the way, if you have not done so already, check out Sarah's lesson plan on volunteering. It is just amazing with the rich additional resources that she provides to readers. Thank you for sharing Sarah!!!

  2. Aja,

    First, don't stress. Take a look at my lesson plan. You are on the right track. The learning objectives you created are using Bloom's taxonomy. Good thing! When you create your rubric, align the rubric with your learning outcomes. I have lots and lots of experience creating lesson plans. (I actually love creating them!) Feel free to contact me if you need any help. You have my cell, give a call if you want.


    1. HI Tom:

      Thank you for your support. Good to know I am on the right track with my lesson plan and the learning objectives. If this were a real assignment, I would want the students to have achieved tangible learning outcomes at the end of the wiki learning assignment.

      I really appreciate your offer of external assistance. A big challenge for me has been asking for assistance when needed. I have been working hard to rectify that specific personality trait. West and West's (2009) advice on openness has been very helpful to me: "Students in a wiki project must be open, not only to suggestions, but also to others' modifying, reorganizing, and improving their contributions. Group members must be willing to relinquish and share control over the work space, trusting that the combined talents of the team will create a stronger final product than one member could accomplish alone" (p.28). I trust you and the other members in this week's BRG to offer good advice which will facilitate my moving forward in the ongoing revision of this lesson plan.


      West, J.A., & West, M.L. (2009) Using wikis for online collaboration: The power of the read-write web. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  3. Aja:
    This seems to be such a hot topic on my levels for many universities. How did you decide to take this approach to the research into drop outs? My university is very concerned about this very thing as well. It is actually are project for accreditation. I think you did a great job! No you were not alone. I have been a faculty member for a few years, but all the courses were setup and for Cisco, it is already laid out and I just teach the concepts. I used a lot of others' examples as well :)

    1. Hi Annie:

      Thank you for your kind words of support; they are truly appreciated. I came up with my lesson plan idea after brainstorming with Dr. K. I was really stressed over this assignment, so I called him directly. He was very helpful. He said the main thing about a wiki project was that it had to be collaborative, promote student-student interaction, and encourage knowledge construction. I thought using a problem-based approach would definitely collaboration and interaction. In terms of knowledge construction, having the students do a real-world authentic simulation of a present post-secondary level concern, should definitely spark new ideas.

      Although this assignment was stressful to me, I find that I am learning a lot from it. The lesson plan that you as well as others in our BRG have created have just been outstanding. I am so happy that I am learning with and from all of you. West and West (2009) speak of integrity as part of a wiki project: "The group's ability to build trust is largely dependent upon the integrity (or trustworthiness) of its members. Integrity can be perceived in several ways: through accountability of each student, through the honesty of each student, and through the competence of each student's contribution" (29). Annie, I appreciate the high level of integrity and encouragement that you have offered to me over the course of this week's assignment. Thank you!


    2. Oop! Forgot to add reference for the above post.


      West, J.A., & West, M.L. (2009) Using wikis for online collaboration: The power of the read-write web. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  4. Aja,

    Your project looks great. I would not stress on it at all. My program has just started this semester a blended type EMT course where it is not doing well at all. The instructor has had to do a lot of revisions to not only his lesson plans but to try to tweak the LMS so that it flows smooth.

    I do like the topic that you selected. Like Annie stated, it is a hot topic on many intuitional minds. I know that when the recession hit our enrollment exploded. Now the college enrollment is down 6 percent and our college administration is scratching their heads trying to figure out how to attract more students into the college so that they can keep the number of instructors at what they have.


    1. Hi John:

      I am pleased that you and Annie think my topic choice is meaningful and relevant. I actually brainstormed a number of ideas with Dr. K. I wanted the students to build their knowledge base about retention theories and models. Using Dr. Tinto's social and integration theory as a starting point is a way to provide conceptual scaffolding on this problem-based wiki assignment as they start to research various other retention models and theories. Hadjerrouit (2013) asserts in a wiki projects, students need to have basic knowledge of "a wiki topic being studied, and how to organize central facts and ideas of the topic to foster meaningful understanding. Students lacking this basic knowledge can misrepresent the wiki topic" (p.43).

      The final review/recommendation report is a way for them to collaboratively construct new knowledge and coauthor their findings, opinions, and perspective into an authentic educational artifact for potential real world application.


      Hadjerrouit, S. (2013). A framework for assessing the pedagogical effectiveness of wiki-based collaborative writing: Results and implications. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 9, 29-49

  5. Hi Aja,
    What a great idea for a lesson plan. Every college can benefit from a good retention plan! I’ve never heard of Vincent Tinto’s academic and social integration model and wonder what kind of retention model my university is using as new student retention policies are currently being implemented as part of our five-year strategic plan.
    I’ve only done an annotated bibliography for one class, but I would think anytime you are combining knowledge from a group, an annotated bibliography would be a great addition to the lesson plan. That way you can easily figure out which resources are the most beneficial to the project. I think it would also encourage students to use more quality references. West & West (2009) recommend giving clear guidelines and expectations of the annotated bibliography, as there are several versions.
    Also, did you have any type of wiki framework you were thinking of in particular when creating your wiki assignments? For example, were you thinking of a group summary or perhaps a class encyclopedia? I would think a class encyclopedia would be a bit overwhelming and may be better for a long-term assignment or even implementing a new procedure at work.
    Great job as usual!

  6. Hi Karyn:

    Thank you for your great suggestion of adding an annotated bibliography to my lesson plan. It can act as a great organizing vehicle as the students go through the various retention theories and models.

    The framework I am using is problem-based, authentic simulation of a real world concern. West and West (2009) do not have my type of lesson plan listed under their Wiki Projects for Knowledge Construction text box (p. 60). I have the students creating a student retention matrix and writing a recommendation report. Both artifacts are effective tools for gauging student comprehension of the varied retention theories and models

    I think an annotated bibliography (Informative) would be a good frame to add to my lesson plan. Thank you for your feedback.

